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20 Ways to Cooperate with God in Times of Revival and Awakening

Three men standing in black baptismal pool

This article was written by state missionary Rob Jackson.

I am filled with encouragement, excitement, and a sense of eager anticipation for the extraordinary work God is orchestrating among college students nationwide. Institutions like Asbury, Samford, and countless others witnessed a fresh outpouring of the Spirit this spring. As the fall semester unfolds, we are seeing a remarkable surge in the number of students being saved across campuses. Take, for instance, Auburn University, where the sheer volume of college students embracing the Gospel was so immense that it required over two hours to baptize all those who responded to the invitation! Just this past week, I received the incredible news that 22 UNA football players have found Christ’s light since the beginning of the fall camp. Furthermore, during our SBC PrayerLink meeting in Nashville last weekend, two Baylor students shared a remarkable account of God’s powerful movement on their campus. We could go on and on. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
However, His movement extends beyond the boundaries of college campuses. We are witnessing “puddles” of spiritual renewal within churches across our state. Some of you participated in the stirring event, “If My People Will Pray,” at Samford and other locations this past Sunday evening. The time in worship and prayer was profound! Undoubtedly, God is at work. We must ask ourselves whether we are prepared for the potential arrival of God’s renewal or awakening in our churches and communities. Bill Elliff recently shared twenty invaluable insights during our prayer meeting in Nashville, designed to guide us in these times of awakenings and revival. Elliff’s guidelines can be instrumental as you prepare to collaborate with God as he, hopefully, ushers in yet another awakening that shakes this country and world:
1. Pray without Ceasing for God to heal our churches and our land
2. Create an Expectant Culture
3. Prepare Leaders who know how to follow the Spirit
4. Seek Counsel from individuals who have experienced revivals
5. Don’t be afraid of the unusual or abnormal
6. Learn how to shepherd the microphone
7. Invite and train leaders and look to your team to help
8. If asked, prayerfully lead with no reservations
9. Gently correct all that would quench the Spirit
10. Seize the moment, realizing this may never happen again in your lifetime
11. Be ever mindful of pride
12. Don’t worry about the “normal” schedule
13. Realize and embrace the cost and rely on God’s strength
14. Understand the fragile nature of revivals and don’t quench it with your disobedience
15. Don’t be surprised or worry about who’s in and who’s out (you will be shocked by some who will doubt, downplay, and attempt to stop a movement of God)
16. Don’t try to control, but cooperate with God
17. Anticipate Spiritual Warfare
18. Realize this may be a prayer meeting that turns into an evangelistic explosion
19. Pray for the extension of God’s work to every church, state, and nation
20. Give God all the glory!