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5 Transferable Principles of Effective Open Groups

A high angle shot of a small group of people drinking coffee and reading the Bible

Open groups are on-going Bible study units that can include both believers and unbelievers. By their nature, open groups should be intentionally evangelistic with an intent is to assimilate people into the life of the church. Vacation Bible School provides annual open groups as well.

If you’re looking to begin or strengthen open groups in your congregation, here are five principles to consider:

1. The Principle of Foundational Evangelism

Open Bible study groups provide the best long-term approach for building a ministry environment that guides preschoolers and children toward conversion through foundational teaching, encourages unsaved people to come to faith in Christ, assimilates new believers into the life of the church, and encourages believers to lead others to Christ.

2. The Principle of Foundational Discipleship 

Open group Bible study provides a foundational step of discipleship for involving people in seeking the Kingdom of God and fulfilling the Great Commission.

3. The Principle of Family Responsibility 

Open groups equip Christian parents to fulfill their responsibility as the primary Bible teachers of their children. These groups work to nurture sound, healthy families that help children and adults integrate the Scriptures into their lives influencing how they think and act.

4. The Principle of Spiritual Transformation 

Open groups engage learners in the biblical method of instruction that leads people toward spiritual transformation. These groups champion the absolute truth and authority of God’s Word. They also lead believers to integrate a biblical worldview into their minds, hearts and lives through ongoing systematic Bible study.

5. The Principle of Biblical Leadership 

Open groups call for leaders to follow the biblical standard for leadership. These groups call leaders to a prophetic ministry, listening to God’s voice, discovering His message, integrating the message into their lives, and proclaiming His truth through His church to the nations. Every leader is to be accountable for being an authentic example of Christ in personal living.

Remember how important it is that people are connected relationally. One recent study indicated that almost everyone who left church during COVID were not involved in a small group. Likewise, almost everyone who came back was connected to a small group. Be a champion of healthy open groups.

This article was written by state missionary Ken Allen. (taken from Transitional Pastor training material)