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6 Ways to Intentionally Refresh Your Prayer Life

Hands closed in prayer on Holy Bible.

This article was written by state missionary Ken Allen.

Over the next couple of Ministry Moments, we will highlight prayer. George MacDonald said, “Communion with God is the one need of the soul beyond all other needs. Prayer is the beginning of that communion.” Prayer is a foundational need in life and ministry. Here are six ways to intentionally refresh your prayer life.

1. Make knowing and loving God, not “prayer,” the key to starting the day.

We are not spending time praying, we are spending time with God.

2. Make prayer a priority.

I know you have heard this before, but accountability is critical. Find a pastor friend to ask you about your time with the Lord.

3. Slow your mind and heart through journaling.

Write down your daily schedule and then talk to God about it. At the end of each day talk to God about what actually happened and who you encountered.

4. Plan how to pray from the moment you wake up. Where is the first place you go when you wake up? Place a reminder to pray and how you will begin. I like having a templet to guide me as I pray. As your prayer life grows the plan may change. Here is a link to a personal prayer strategy: Prayer-Strategy-002.docx ( (put cursor over link and click to get to the document).

5. Listen to worshipful music.

I love listening to old and new songs about God and just worshipping Him. 

6. Take a long walk and simply talk to God.

Be honest with Him about everything and everyone. Remember, the One who knows you best loves you most. Listen for His still small voice.

The Holy Spirit prompts us to pray. Our part is the discipline to start fresh or continue praying. Prayer brings power into our personal lives. As we spend time in God’s presence, He presses His life into ours. Your prayer life will also affect the people you serve and the potential of what God will do through His church.