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7 Most Important Steps to Building an Evangelism Ministry

feet in white sneakers standing on metal steps

1. Prayer.

We can do nothing apart from the power of God, who draws people to Himself.

2. Plan.

A man came up to D. L. Moody and shared he didn’t like how D. L. Moody “did” evangelism. Moody asked the man about his evangelistic strategy. The man replied sheepishly, “Well, I don’t have one.” Moody retorted, “I like how I’m doing it better than how you’re not doing it.”

3. Preparation. 

The entire church (in some way or the other) needs to be involved in the preparation for an evangelism ministry.

4. Protection. 

The enemy doesn’t want you going out sharing Christ. Prayer partners are a vital part of a successful evangelism ministry.

5. Participation. 

Initially, enlist a few persons who will commit to going out with you. By the way, if the pastor isn’t an evangelist, then don’t expect the church to be evangelistic. People are not going to do what they don’t see you doing. If they see it’s important to you, it will be important to them.

6. Prospects. 

One of the essential prayers each day is, “God, send us to every lost person we can find and send us Christians to help.”

7. Persistence.

Building an evangelism ministry means that you never cease emphasizing this crucial ministry. Commit today to share the Gospel with others as long as you have breath. 
How is your evangelistic ministry in your church?

This article was written by guest contributor Lawrence Phipps, pastor at FBC Gulf Shores.