Just about every pastor has experienced “hitting the wall”. Those moments can bring all kinds of destructive thoughts. Here are a few possible solutions for when you are unsure about what is next in your ministry and when everything seems difficult.
1. Fresh eyes
Have someone from your association, State Board of Missions or a seasoned pastor to assist you with a fresh set of eyes. I would suggest having a conversation with at least two of those previously mentioned. Each could bring a different perspective to the table.
2. Good friend
We all need someone with whom we can be honest. Tell a trusted pastor friend your struggles.
3. Re-connect
How is your connection with your Heavenly Father? Find a place to be alone and pray. Seeing my circumstances from God’s point of view helps me to reboot.
4. Take a fresh look at the basics
Great Commandment, Great Commission, and the functions of the church – Evangelism, Disciple Making, Ministry, Fellowship, Worship and Prayer. Over the next few weeks act on each one of them in the practice of church life.
5. Wise church leaders
Prayerfully consider talking to a trusted and wise church leader(s). Ask – what is one thing that could be done around the church building? Or what simple ministry project could be accomplished.
6. Physical health
Hitting the proverbial wall may have something to do with your health, mental or physical. Make sure you are sleeping enough. Develop a routine of exercise and a healthier diet. You may need a physical.
7. Mental health
If you are dealing with depression, you may need to talk to a counselor. Lifeway research indicates that 18% of pastors experience depression. Giants of the faith had bouts of discouragement or depression – Martin Luther, Charles Spurgeon and John Bunyan.
Whatever you do, don’t settle for just looking at a wall. You can move forward. God can provide a way to continue forward. If you do anything to advance the gospel, you can expect barriers or opposition. It could be the enemy at work to prevent the blessing from the Lord that is right around the corner.
This article was written by state missionary Ken Allen.