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7 Ways a Pastor Can Hinder Church Revitalization

Low angle view of man in black suit holding Bible standing in old church with ornate of stained glass in background

Nine out of ten churches are declining or growing slower than their surrounding communities. This stat is not meant to bemoan the state of the church but to highlight the potential for change. I am encouraged and expectant that God will revitalize numerous churches in Alabama. It’s essential to recognize that God often uses pastors and leaders in the revitalization process. Today, let’s take a moment to self-reflect. Are there actions we are taking that may be hindering revitalization? Here are seven ways a pastor can hinder church revitalization:

1. Low Energy

A church cannot be revitalized if the pastor lacks energy and drive. Pray that God grants you the “unction” necessary to lead with vitality.

2. Lack of Prayer

Revitalization is a work of the Holy Spirit. Pastors and leaders must dedicate significant time to seeking God’s guidance. Additionally, they should emphasize and organize corporate prayer focused on revitalization and advancing God’s kingdom.

3. People-Pleasing

While it’s natural to want to be liked, this desire can immobilize the church if it’s prioritized over necessary change. Revitalization is risky and often unpopular but essential for growth.

4. Placating Critics

Too much time appeasing naysayers can stall progress. It’s important to focus on leading the majority who are eager to move forward rather than cowering to a vocal minority.

5. Micromanaging

Revitalization requires the involvement of the entire church. A pastor who attempts to control every aspect will stifle the initiative and creativity of others.

6. Inward Focus

A pastor must focus outwardly on reaching the community with the Gospel. If the pastor is not prioritizing outreach, the congregation won’t either. Remember the “principle of the leadership lid”: people will not rise higher than their leaders.

7. Neglecting Membership Expectations

Declining churches often have self-serving members. Developing a membership class that communicates the expectations and responsibilities of church membership is essential.
These are seven ways a pastor can inadvertently hinder revitalization. What other ways can you think of?

This article was written by state missionary Rob Jackson.