7 Ways to Continue the Spirit of VBS

Two children lying on the grass.

This article was written by state missionary Ken Allen.

Don’t allow your momentum wane after VBS. New stats tell us that it takes 11 to 12 touches to connect and build relationships. Here are seven ways to continue to connect with children and families.

1. Orient new children to the church during the week of VBS. 

Show them the class they would attend on Sundays. 

2. Continue the VBS theme to the next Sunday. 

Leave the decorations up.  When possible, have VBS teachers in the rooms with Sunday School/Small groups to give new children an opportunity to see the same faces. 

3. Follow up with a sports camp and/or really fun one day events.

Mention these summer events throughout the week of VBS. 

4. Pull the decorations back out in August and use VBS songs.

Make that Sunday as fun as VBS. 

5. Visit door to door giving the child/family a follow up gift related to the VBS theme. 

Take church children with you if you can.

6. Take pictures of children  and place them out so they can see themselves when they come back to church or an event.

7. Develop a good plan to record these “touches”.

With just a little extra effort you can maximize the impact of VBS. Be intentional. Communicate to your workers to be warm and loving. Pray that the fruit of VBS will be transformed lives.
Your state missionaries are praying for Vacation Bible Schools around the state this summer, that many may come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior through these efforts!