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8 Characteristics of a Healthy Leader

Red wooden man in front of row of white wooden men portraying concept of leadership

Recently, Rob Jackson and I visited with one of our Alabama Baptist pastors. He serves one of our normal size churches in a rural area. I think one word describes his ministry: faithfulness. He would be quick to tell you that he is not perfect, but I left our meeting wanting to share a few healthy takeaways about what it means to be a healthy leader.

1. Identity

Realize who you are and who God is. This pastor has a healthy view of God concerning what could be accomplished in the church. 

2. Balance

He keeps a close eye on his use of time, making sure to balance family and church life.

3. Vibrant Men’s Ministry

He challenges men regularly to be strong spiritual leaders. Men are given the opportunity to share in the service and lead in other ways.

4. Disciple Making

He is practicing on- on-one disciple making. 

5. Tears

His heart continues to be tender toward the things of the Lord. During one part of our conversation, he had tears in his eyes as he shared.

6. Prays for and Loves People

He prays regularly for the people he has the responsibility to shepherd. He asks for specific requests and has a regular time to pray for each request.

7. Loves God

His desire is to hear from the Lord and to live as an obedient servant.

8. Connected to Community

Several baptisms occurred in the church over the past year as a result of ministry within the community. Also, he regularly presents a devotion to a certain field of workers in his community.

His ministry could be summed up by these words: “If you will do what God says in the Bible for His church, the church will flourish.” Here is a pastor who is convinced that we labor in vain unless the Lord is doing the work. Examine these characteristics in light of what the Lord desires to accomplish through you. Remember, “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” (Proverbs 27:17)

This article was written by state missionary Ken Allen.