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8 Ways to Foster Fellowship in Your Church

Group of multigenerational people hugging each other

This article was written by state missionary Ken Allen.

Most of the Ministry Moments for the rest of the year will relate to the Six Functions of the Church: Fellowship, Discipleship, Prayer, Ministry, Worship and Evangelism. Rob and I pray that these emails will provoke thought as you minister through these basic functions of the church. This week we are considering ways to foster fellowship within the church.

1. Provide a way for new members to connect through one-on-one relationships within the church. 

Enlist three or more members to help new members connect with others in the congregation. Attempt to find those who would fit well together – age, where they live, children and other commonalities.

2. Provide a way for new members to connect to a small group.

Part of new member orientation should include encouraging participation in a small group. As a pastor, I would share with a new members class that they will have a tough time with relationships unless they belong to a small group Bible study.

3. Give opportunities for doing ministry together.

Encourage classes to have a quarterly ministry outing. Be prepared to give the class ideas if needed.

4. Encourage small groups to have regular game or dessert nights within homes. 

Just have fun together!

5. Preach on the biblical meaning of fellowship with practical take-aways.

For example, one application could include meeting someone in the church for lunch. 

6. Encourage prayer partners.

Prayer will change a church. Also, prayer helps to foster deeper relationships.

7. Create a plan for caring and ministering to needs within the church family.

Ministry and fellowship go hand in hand. 

8. Start church-wide supper clubs of all different ages. 

Rotate the clubs.

We all need to be connected in relationships with others. Godly friendships are an essential part of living the Christian life. Continue to prayerfully seek how you can lead your church toward deeper fellowship within the body. What suggestions do you have?