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9 Suggestions to Increase Your Attendance

Graph increasing from red to orange to yellow to green with watering can pouring water drops onto green where a flower is growing.

This article was written by state missionary Rob Jackson.

As Ken and I travel around the state, we are encouraged to see churches that are now “blowing and growing.” Others are lagging behind and a little “winded.” Still, other churches seemingly are “gasping” for breath. Regardless of where you are as a church, here are some suggestions that can help you increase your attendance in the next few weeks:

1. Have each Sunday School/ small group contact everyone on their roll. Make a call and ask for prayer requests. Pray with them over the phone. If they haven’t been in a while, let them know you have missed them (if needed, apologize for not contacting them sooner).

2. Make it a priority for you as a leader to contact a few regular attendees and let them know you appreciate them and their faithfulness.

3. Personally contact three people that have not been attending lately. Tell them you love them and miss them. This contact needs to be a phone call or a personal visit. 

4. Invite someone and pick them up for church. Bringing someone with you to church encourages the entire church. Hopefully, it will spark an interest in them bringing someone.

5. Have a service day in the community and use this time as an opportunity to invite others to your church.

6. Send an encouraging e-mail to every church member. Along with this e-mail, pray that it will fall on receptive ears. Ask God to use this to spark a renewal in excitement and attendance.

7. Pray that God will add to your number. Make praying for the lost and those who are unchurched a priority. Remember, it is God who adds to our number!

8. Set goals. An “old fashioned” friend day still works. Prayerfully set a goal of invitees. Also, encourage each member to bring a friend.

9. Teach your congregation to brag about what God is doing in your church. Genuine enthusiasm is contagious. Excited church members invite guests. People want to come to a church where God is evident.