This article was written by state missionary Ken Allen.
Having a clear view of the future is critical to church health. Phase one in decline is a loss of vision. Once you lose vision you lose purpose. The church then takes on an identity other than what God originally intended. In this Ministry Moment we are looking at nine steps in developing a strategic vision. Please do not be put off by the elementary nature of the steps. Sometimes the obvious is not always obvious.
1. Get alone with God.
Then get into His Word and PRAY. Ask God to inform you throughout the process.
2. Remember that your mission will inform your vision.
Begin by examining the mission of your church. Take a fresh look at the Great Commandment. Are we (am I) loving God with our all and are we (am I) loving others? Loving God will ensure that the church is “doing” out of a love relationship and not out of duty.
3. Take a fresh look at the Great Commission and Acts 1:8.
Are we making disciples who make disciples?
4. Study the early church and what they valued (Acts 2:42-47).
Look closely at the functions or activities of the early church.
5. Summarize what you have found in the above steps.
Put all your findings on paper. Pray. You must have clarity of mission before you begin to share with leaders in the church.
6. Gather information on your church and community context.
Look at demographics. Get to know the culture of the church. What are the behavior patterns and personality of the church that may hinder accomplishment of the church’s mission?