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Best Ways to be Remembered as a Pastor

Stack old photos on grey background. Postcard rumpled and dirty vintage.

This article was written by state missionary Ken Allen.

As we celebrated Memorial Day Weekend, consider how you would like to be remembered as a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Seven things come to my mind as I think of remembering a godly pastor:

1. He loved his Savior. 

Pastor, we should never lose sight of being delivered from sin’s power and penalty. We now have the ministry of reconciliation. 

2. He lived a holy life.

Temptations are ever present. Consider yourself dead to sin and as an instrument of righteousness. Strive every day to resist the devil.

3. He made his family a priority. 

Often quoted but true, your family is your first ministry. Second only to God is your love for and commitment to your wife and children.

4. He was a soul-winner. 

People need a model for reaching the lost. Re-start a Ten Most Wanted list of lost people. Pray for each of them by name and seek specific ways to share Jesus with them. Find a partner to hold you accountable.

5. He loved people. 

Love your congregation just the way they are. Seek to lead them to greener pasture as their shepherd. Always keep in mind that the only person you can control is you. Pray for God to work in the lives of His people.

6. He was a good steward of life. 

Redeem the time. The enemy would like to rob us of our time using sin or by doing what is good vs. what is best. Live by God’s agenda.

7. He finished well.

Be known as a pastor who resisted the lure of momentary pleasure for the reward of completing the course of life well.

The above list is not meant as a burden. Submit each day to the indwelling presence of the Spirit. God’s grace, for daily living, is sufficient.