This article was written by state missionary Ken Allen.
As we approach our nation’s Independence Day celebration, what are some intentional ways we can honor God in our country? Consider these suggestions:
1. Acknowledge Him as the source of all blessings.
He has blessed our country. We are meant to be a blessing to others.
2. Maximize the National Day of Prayer in your community.
He is the answer to the needs within our communities and country. (The National Day of prayer is held annually on the first Thursday in May.)
3. Recognize that a transformed life will honor God.
If you want to get the attention of a watching world, allow Christ to live through you, so that they may see your good works and give God the glory.
4. Honor Him with a transformed family.
When people see a complete family unit living for the Lord, He is honored.
5. Consider the value of godly people getting involved in the political arena.
We are to live out, promote and lobby for godly principles that it may go well with society at large.
6. Pray for leaders.
May God so control those who are in leadership, locally and nationally.
7. Pray for another great awakening.
8. Be committed to the local church.
May the church be a beacon of light in the darkness.
Use July 4 as another opportunity to show that we are living as citizens of heaven while on earth. While we love our country, God is building for us a place that is out of this world. We don’t worship our country. We worship only God! Let’s honor Him.