Goal: Comprehensive leadership development based on biblical principles and practical application.
The Intentional Leader Series will resource Pastors with the tools and information needed to flourish as a leader. Training events will be centered around the 4 P’s of Leadership: Person, Pastor, Preacher, and Pathfinder.
The Intentional Leader Series provides an ongoing process to be challenged as a leader. In July of 2022, the office of LeaderCare kicked off Intentional Leader by giving an overview. You can view the initial kickoff by going to: https://vimeo.com/734363697. Each of the 4 P’s will have its own stand-alone conference. Below you will see the general idea of a Person, Pastor, Preacher, and Pathfinder.
Person: Who you are is at the heart of what you do. As a pastor or church leader, you are a Christian. Your first priority is relating to God well. Intentionally relating to God and others and growing in an emotionally healthy way is vital to overall leadership. Self-awareness is one of the keys to relating to others. Knowing who you are in Christ…
Pastor: Intentionally shepherding the sheep assigned to you. Relationship building is a major part of pastoring well. Your people will know if you genuinely care for them.
Preacher: Preaching with intentionality, with a goal as to where God wants to take His church.
Pathfinder: Strategically leading with intentionality.
Person: January 17, 2023, with Ken Sande. Ken is a nationally recognized leader in the area of conflict and mediation. Real-life church conflict scenarios will be discussed. The Conference will be from 9 am to 4 pm at the State Board of Missions in Prattville.
Pathfinder: April 18, 2023, Ken Allen and Rob Jackson. Ken and Rob will share how to strategically lead your church into greater overall health.
Pastor and Preacher: July 25, 2023, with Ken Allen and Guest Speaker. Ken will share how to pastor individuals toward Christlikeness intentionally.
The cost of registration is $8.00 for each event. Lunch with be provided.