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Internal and External Practical Ministry Suggestions 

Drawn scales with empty cups on chalkboard

This article was written by state missionary Ken Allen.

Ministry is one of the primary functions of the church. A healthy church will balance ministry to the body of Christ (internal) and ministry to the community (external). Here are a few suggestions for ministry to both the community and the church.


1. Develop a comprehensive plan using your pre-existing structure and leaders. Lead your Sunday School/Small group classes to reach out to those who are absent and show care as needs arise.

2. Deacon family ministry is a tried-and-true way to make sure all church members are not overlooked. Deacons will need friendly accountability from one of their own to remain faithful to the plan. 

3. Develop a team that will reach out to those who are homebound and in nursing homes.

4. Develop a team can visit those who are in the hospital. Training is necessary to make sure that proper care is observed when visiting someone in a hospital.


1. Community needs assessment with demographics report and analysis.

2. Have your church committed to praying for the community and awareness of needs.

3. Have the church committed to the community, to truly being “in the community” where God has planted the church.

4. Find one thing that impact the community for the cause of Christ, like a block party, prayer walk, or door to door, asking for prayer needs with follow-up.

5. Partner with a local school and provide classroom supplies, prayer partners for teachers, and other needs as they arise.

6. Prayerfully consider after school programs with tutoring, sports, etc.

7. Start a senior adult ministry. Provide basic assistance with computer skills, transportation, and food.

8. Examine the possibility of community service groups: Health and wellness programs including a fitness class, Celebrate Recovery, grief support, divorce recovery, and English as a second language.

One of the most critical needs in revitalization is meeting the internal needs while also shifting the focus outwardly as well. Look at the above list with a group of people within the church, set a course of action and move ahead. Hope and excitement about the future will be the fruit of a renewed sense of connecting with the community, and sharing the gospel.