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Leading Your Church to Pray for a Spiritual Awakening

Black and white photo of man praying

This article was written by state missionary Rob Jackson.

Traveling around Alabama, we increasingly see “puddles” of revival. Time and time again I hear pastors state that God is prompting His people to pray, and He is answering. Hallelujah! Will you join me in leading your church to pray for revival and Spiritual Awakening? Here are a few suggestions to lead your congregation in this endeavor:

1. Repentance and Confession:

Begin by confessing sins and seeking God’s forgiveness. Revival often starts with a contrite heart. Ask that pride and self-centeredness may be replaced with a desire to serve and honor God.

2. Praise and Worship:

Spend time in praise and worship, exalting God for His greatness, holiness, and faithfulness.

3. Unity: 

Pray for unity among believers in your church and within the larger body of Christ. Unity is a critical component of revival.

4. Spiritual Hunger: 

Ask God to cultivate a hunger for His presence, His Word, and His righteousness among the people.

5. Holy Spirit’s Guidance: 

Seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance and empowerment for yourself and others. Pray for a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit.

6. Spiritual Awakening:

Ask God to awaken the hearts of those who are spiritually complacent or distant from Him. Pray for our nation’s leaders, confessing the sins of our country and asking for God’s mercy and healing.

7. Boldness in Sharing the Gospel: 

Pray for boldness and opportunities to share the gospel with those who don’t know Christ.

8. Love and Compassion: 

Pray for a deep love and compassion for others, both within and outside the church.

9. Families:

Lift up families in prayer, asking for restoration and godly relationships within homes. Naturally, this includes the families of the leaders in the church.

10. Holiness: 

Pray for personal and corporate holiness, that the church may be a pure and set-apart vessel for God’s work.

11. Thanksgiving: 

Offer thanksgiving for past revivals and answered prayers, acknowledging God’s faithfulness.

12. Perseverance: 

Pray for endurance and perseverance in seeking revival and awakening.
We invite you and your church to participate in a time set aside for worship and prayer on October 1, 2023, from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 at Samford Wright Center (Samford University). I will be participating and hope some of you and your church members can join us. For more information go to this site:  …There are also other locations around Alabama you might want to attend (or open your church to this time of prayer). Let us join together and pray for another Great Awakening!