This article was written by state missionaries Ken Allen and Rob Jackson.
As church leaders, we seek to capitalize on the Advent Season. Therefore, we are sharing a few more ideas with you as we lead up to Christmas. We pray that this season will be a springboard for many people to either come to faith in Christ or renew their passion for the Lord. Furthermore, it is a time to bring the fellowship closer together in worship of our King.
1. Organize a group of people to go caroling.
As a leader, go with them. This simple activity builds camaraderie, lets church members get to know you better and serves as a source of encouragement and witness to the community.
2. Begin a Christmas Eve service.
This service is powerful. Our services were packed at every church we served, often with visitors. It is a wonderful time for the pastor to share the Christmas story and the congregation to sing Christmas carols. One note — keep it brief and focused. We limited this service to 45-50 minutes.
3. Attend some of the Sunday School/ Small Group parties.
You do not have to stay the entire time. However, your brief presence at these parties goes a long way in developing trust and love among your church members.
4. Be multi-generational in your Advent celebrations.
Plan from the youngest to oldest reading, praying, lighting candles, singing and so forth. The more people involved in Christmas events, the more people will be invited.
5. Preach with conversion in mind.
We have stated it before, but do not assume everyone coming to your Christmas services knows Christ. Pray and preach with the expectant desire that some people will repent and believe the Gospel.
6. Have the children’s choir sing in a prominent service.
We planned the children’s musical on a Sunday. The worship center was packed to hear “little Susie or Jimmy” sing. Some of these people would never typically come to church. We followed this musical with a reminder about the reason for Christmas and a Gospel presentation (with cards for people to fill out). Numerous people gave their hearts to Christ!
7. Have attractive cards or promotional materials for church members to distribute inviting people to your Christmas activities.
Be sure to place other promotional signs throughout the church buildings.
8. Celebrate the Lord’s Supper by families on either Christmas Eve or Christmas day.
We have found this to be a great way to connect with church members in a more spiritually intimate way.