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Practical Elements of Growing Biblical Fellowship

Colorful donuts stacked together and a disposable coffee cup on a wooden table

True fellowship is more than donuts and coffee. For believers, true fellowship is living life together both spiritually and practically. We come together to grow in Christ and our understanding of Him. We strive together to fulfill God’s mission for His church. The church has unity of heart and mind (one accord) through obedience to God’s will. How can the church practice biblical fellowship? Here are a few elements that I believe are key.

1. Worshipping together.

True biblical fellowship begins with believers worshipping the Lord together. God’s people loving Him through worship.

2. Praying together. 

A church that prays together stays together. Pray in pairs, in small groups, during the worship service and on Wednesday nights.

3. Studying the Bible. 

Studying the Bible together is a tried-and-true way to build fellowship. Discovering biblical truth and holding each other accountable to apply the truth builds true oneness.

4. Sharing life together. 

Foster an environment of sharing life struggles. Eat together. Have fun together.

5. Serving together. 

Encourage practicing ministry together. Have a group (like on Wednesday night) brainstorm different ideas for reaching out and serving together.

6. Living in forgiveness.

The forgiven should live as forgivers! Teach/preach and live out the need for grace as members have personal relationships with each other and as they practice living out the mission together.

7. Engaging new members.

Pair new members with another member(s). Communicate the absolute need for community within the body. People are not looking for a friendly church; people are looking for friends.

Living out the church’s mission together is a church unifier. Continue to look for intentional ways to bring people together around the purposes of the church: Evangelism, Discipleship, Fellowship, Ministry, Worship, and Prayer.

This article was written by state missionary Ken Allen.