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Responding Well to National or International Events

Young couple praying

The events of the past weekend remind us as church leaders that circumstances can change in a moment, both in our country and around the world. We must be ready to respond with truth, grace, and godliness. 

1. Don’t be cautious or caustic.

As we respond properly to national events, the church will respond in kind.

2. Avoid sweeping it under the rug.

People want a response. Be proactive. Leaders do not shy away from difficult moments.

3. Focus on Christ.

Bring the gospel into the moment. As Christ followers, we are to look for how Jesus would react. 

4. Bring hope into the moment.  

Historic events remind us that Jesus is the world’s only hope. We can point people to the Kingdom of God where all will be well.

5. Do not shy away from a biblical world view.

Bring God’s truth to bear even when it is not politically correct. 

6. If it is a major event put something in writing and send it out. 

Again, people want and need to hear from you as the leader.

7. Pray. 

Be anxious for nothing… Lead in a time of corporate prayer. Condition your church to pray in response to these events.
We are not to respond out of emotion but in a way that pleases the Lord. We are to lead people to see our Savior and worship Him. Redeem the time and see it as an opportunity for God’s glory to be displayed!

This article was written by state missionary Ken Allen.