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Returning to the Heart of Worship

One red heart on a background of wooden hearts

This article was written by state missionary Rob Jackson.

One of our responsibilities as Christian leaders is to promote worship. A healthy church worships! God is seeking people to worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:24). We long for the church we serve to be filled with people who are in a passionate love affair with Jesus Christ. We hunger for all of us to be overwhelmed by God’s amazing attributes and moved by His unfathomable love. We pray that God will open our eyes to see the Lord “high and lifted up.” May we ponder His infinite wisdom and knowledge, and wonder at His glorious grace and love. Here are a few ways to prepare your people for corporate worship:

1. Spend time with God.

Worship starts at home! If we are not worshiping at home, we will not effectively worship when we gather as a congregation. Teach your people to spend time consistently each day with the Lord in prayer, Bible study and worship. Naturally, we lead by example.

2. Go to bed early Saturday night and get up early Sunday morning.

Billie Hanks, one of my mentors, often taught me, “You cannot soar with the eagles if you hoot with the owls.” When we get up early on Sunday, make sure we have intentional time preparing our hearts for worship. Read scripture and sing or listen to some Christian music.

3. Pray for the pastor and worship leaders.

Ask God to speak through His servants.

4. Come to corporate worship with a holy expectancy.

When we gather to worship our King, we experience His manifest presence! This thought brings both excitement and a sense of trembling.

5. Enter the sanctuary or worship center early.

We must lift our hearts in adoration to the King of kings and Lord of lords. Contemplate His majesty, glory and tenderness as revealed in Jesus Christ.

6. Pray with your eyes open.

When people begin to enter the room, glance around until you see someone who needs intercessory prayer. Perhaps their shoulders are drooped or they seem sad. Pray for them and others as you touch people and greet them in the name of our Lord.

7. Ask God to help us focus on Him.

We are all busy. Pray that God removes the distractions from our minds so we can worship Him in spirit and truth.

8. Remind yourselves repeatedly, “Worship is about Christ; it’s not about us!”